
Please Consider Supporting The Herkimer County Historical Society With A Membership Contribution.  We are a non-profit organization and the mainstay of the Historical Society’s budget comes directly from dues and donations.


 * Free Access To Our Library and
   Research Requests Answered
    Free of Charge

 * 10% Discount in Gift Shop

 * Bi-Monthly Newsletter

    – includes Legacy historical article on Herkimer County’s history

With a Business Membership contribution, you receive all of the above benefits and your employees can share in the discounts to our Gift Shop, Bus Trips, and Special Events. You also receive a free business card size advertisement in one of our newsletters.

To send in a membership donation by mail, please click on the link below and mail the form in with your contribution. Thank You!

Membership Brochure

Membership Options

Individual $40 Per year

 family $75 per year

Sustaining $100 per year

Patron $200 Per year

friend $300 per year

 Business $100 per year

 Student $25 per year